Soziale Neurowissenschaft und Sozialpsychologie

Team Prof. Dr. Daria Knoch (Ordinaria, chair)

Dr. Mirjam Studler

+41 31 684 36 40
A 347
Universität Bern
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung Soziale Neurowissenschaft und Sozialpsychologie
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern / Schweiz

Wunderlin, M.*, Studler, M.*, Gianotti, L.R.R., Züst, M.A. & Knoch, D. (2024). Interindividual differences in mindfulness are linked to sleep-electroencephalographic characteristics. Sleep. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article.

Studler, M.*, Gianotti, L.R.R.*, Lobmaier, J., Maric, A. & Knoch, D. (2024). Human prosocial preferences are related to slow-wave activity in sleep. Journal of Neuroscience. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article.

Studler, M.*, Gianotti, L.R.R. *, Koch, K., Hausfeld, J., Tarokh, L., Maric, A. & Knoch, D. (2022). Local slow-wave activity over the right prefrontal cortex reveals individual risk preferences.  Neuroimage. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article.

Koch K., Gianotti L.R.R., Hausfeld J., Studler M. & Knoch D. (2021). Different behavioral types of distributional preferences are characterized by distinct neural signatures. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Link to article

Volk, C.,  Jaramillo, V., Studler, M., Furrer, M.,  O'Gorman Tuura, R.L. & Huber, R. (2019). Diurnal changes in human brain glutamate + glutamine levels in the course of development and their relationship to sleep. Neuroimage. Link to article.