Soziale Neurowissenschaft und Sozialpsychologie


Dr. Thomas Baumgartner

+41 31 684 40 01
B 308c
Universität Bern
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung Soziale Neurowissenschaft und Sozialpsychologie
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern / Schweiz
Baumgartner, T.*, Guizar Rosales E.* & Knoch, D. (2023). Neural mechanisms underlying interindividual differences in intergenerational sustainable behavior. Scientific Reports. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article. 
Guizar Rosales, E.*, Baumgartner, T.* & Knoch, D. (2022). Interindividual differences in intergenerational sustainable behavior are associated with cortical thickness of the dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article. 
Baumgartner, T., Hausfeld, J., dos Santos, M. & Knoch, D. (2021). Who initiates punishment, who joins punishment? Disentangling types of third-party punishers by neural traits. Human Brain Mapping.

Link to article. 

  Baumgartner, T.*, Dahinden, F.M.*, Gianotti, L.R.R. & Knoch, D. (2019). Neural traits characterize unconditional cooperators, conditional cooperators, and noncooperators in group‐based cooperation. Human Brain Mapping. Link to article.
Baumgartner, T., Nash, K., Hill, C., & Knoch, D. (2015). Neuroanatomy of intergroup bias: A white matter microstructure study of individual differences. Neuroimage,122, 345-354. download (pdf, 1.0 MB)
Baumgartner,T., Gianotti, L., Knoch, D. (2013). Baseline activation in anterior insula predicts inter-individual differences in deceptive behavior.Biological Psychology, 94, 192-197. download (pdf, 878KB)   
Baumgartner,T., Schiller, B., Hill, C., Knoch, D. (2013). Impartiality in humans is predicted by brain structure of dorsomedial prefrontal Cortex.Neuroimage,81, 317-324. download (pdf, 578KB)
Baumgartner, T., Schiller, B., Rieskamp, J., Gianotti, L., Knoch, D.  (2014). Diminishing parochialism in intergroup conflict by disrupting the right temporo-parietal junction. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,9, 653-660. download (pdf, 251KB)
Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D., Hotz, P., Eisenegger, C., Fehr, E. (2011). Dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex orchestrate normative choice. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 1468-1474. download (pdf, 667KB)
Baumgartner, T.,Götte, L., Gügler, R., Fehr, E. (2012). The mentalizing network orchestrates the impact of parochial altruism on social norm enforcement. Human Brain Mapping, 33, 1452-1469. download (pdf, 2.1 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Fischbacher, U., Feierabend, A., Lutz, K., & Fehr, E. (2009). The Neural Circuitry of a Broken Promise. Neuron,64, 756-770.  download (pdf, 1.3 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Heinrichs, M., Vonlanthen, A., Fischbacher, U. & Fehr, E. (2008). Oxytocin Shapes the Neural Circuitry of Trust and Trust Adaption in Humans. Neuron, 58, 639-650.  download (pdf, 648KB)
Baumgartner, T., Speck, D., Wettstein, D., Masnari, O., Beeli, G., Jäncke, L. (2008). Feeling present in arousing virtual reality worlds: prefrontal brain regions differentially orchestrate presence experience in adults and children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2, 1-12. download (pdf, 2.6 MB)

Social Decision-Making: The Interacting Brain

Wyss, A.M., Baumgartner, T., Guizar Rosales, E., Soutschek, A. & Knoch, D. (2024). Cathodal HD-tDCS above the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex increases environmentally sustainable decision-making. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Link to article.
Baumgartner, T.*, Guizar Rosales E.* & Knoch, D. (2023). Neural mechanisms underlying interindividual differences in intergenerational sustainable behavior. Scientific Reports. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article. 
Guizar Rosales, E.*, Baumgartner, T.* & Knoch, D. (2022). Interindividual differences in intergenerational sustainable behavior are associated with cortical thickness of the dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article. 
Baumgartner, T.*, Hausfeld, J.*, dos Santos, M. & Knoch, D. (2021). Who initiates punishment, who joins punishment? Disentangling types of third-party punishers by neural traits. Human Brain Mapping. *shared first co-authorship). Link to article. 

Baumgartner, T.,Lobmaier, J.S., Ruffieux, N. & Knoch, D. (2021). Feeling of guilt explains why people react differently to resource depletion warnings. Scientific reports. Link to article. 

Wyss, A. M., Berger, S., Baumgartner, T. & Knoch, D. (2021). Reactions to warnings in the climate commons. Journal of Environmental Psychology. Link to article
Langenbach, B.P., Savic, B., Baumgartner, T., Wyss, A.M. & Knoch, D. (2021). Mentalizing with the future: Electrical stimulation of the right TPJ increases sustainable decision-making. CortexLink to article. 
Lobmaier, J.S., Savic, B., Baumgartner, T. & Knoch, D. (2021). The cone of direct gaze: A stable trait. Frontiers in PsychologyLink to article. 
Langenbach, B.P.*, Baumgartner, T.*, Cazzoli, D.,  Müri, R.M. & Knoch, D. (2019). Inhibition of the right dlPFC by theta burst stimulation does not alter sustainable decision-making. Scientific reports.  (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article.
Langenbach, B.P.*, Savic, B.*, Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D. (2020). Repeated anodal HD-tDCS stimulation might render silver chloride electrodes unreliable. Brain Stimulation, 13, 525-526. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article.
Baumgartner, T.*, Dahinden, F.M.*, Gianotti, L.R.R. & Knoch, D. (2019). Neural traits characterize unconditional cooperators, conditional cooperators, and noncooperators in group‐based cooperation. Human Brain Mapping. (*shared first co-authorship).  Link to article.
Langenbach, B.P., Berger, S., Baumgartner, T. & Knoch, D. (2019). Cognitive resources moderate the relationship between pro-environmental attitudes and green behavior. Environment and Behavior. Link to article
Rudorf, S., Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D. (2019). Peer effects on control-averse behavior. Scientific reports. Link to article.
Schiller, B.*, Gianotti, L.R.R.*, Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D. (2019). Theta resting EEG in the right TPJ is associated with individual differences in implicit intergroup bias. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. *shared first co-authorship). Link to article. 
Baumgartner, T.*, Langenbach, B.P.*, Gianotti, L.R.R., Müri, R.M. & Knoch, D. (2019). Frequency of everyday proenvironmental behaviour is explained by baseline activation in lateral prefrontal cortex. Scientific reports. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article
Gianotti, L.R.R.*, Dahinden, F.M.*, Baumgartner, T. & Knoch, D. (2018). Understanding Individual Differences in Domain-General Prosociality: A Resting EEG Study. Brain Topography. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article 
Gianotti, L.R.R.*, Nash, K.*, Baumgartner, T., Dahinden, F.M. & Knoch, D. (2018). Neural signatures of different behavioral types in fairness norm compliance. Scientific reports. (*shared first co-authorship). Link to article 
Saulin, A.*, Baumgartner, T.*, Gianotti, L.R.R., Hofmann, W. & Knoch, D. (2018). Frequency of helping friends and helping strangers is explained by different neural signatures. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience.(*shared first co-authorship). Link to article
Rudorf, S., Baumgartner, T., Markett, S., Schmelz, K., Wiest, R., Fischbacher, U., Knoch, D. (2018).  Intrinsic connectivity networks underlying individual differences in control-averse behavior.Human Brain Mapping. Download (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Calluso, C., Saulin, A., Baumgartner, T. & Knoch, D. (2018). Distinct patterns of cognitive conflict dynamics in promise keepers and promise breakers. Frontiers in Psychology. Link to article.
Rudorf, S., Schmelz, K., Baumgartner, T., Wiest, R., Fischbacher, U., Knoch, D. (2018). Neural mechanisms underlying individual differences in control-averse behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. Link to article.
Nash, K.*, Baumgartner, T.*, Knoch, D. (2017). Group-focused morality is associated with limited conflict detection and resolution capacity: Neuroanatomical evidence.Biological Psychology, 123, 235-240. (*shared first co-authorship). Download (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Saulin, A., Hein, G., Knoch, D. (2016). Structural Differences in Insular Cortex Reflect Vicarious Injustice Sensitivity. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167538. Link to article.
Schiller, B.*, Gianotti, L.R.R*, Baumgartner, T., Nash K., Koenig, T. & Knoch, D. (2016). Clocking the social mind by identifying mental processes in the IAT with electrical neuroimaging. PNAS, 113 (10), 2786-2791.(*shared first co-authorship). Link to article.
Baumgartner, T., Nash, K., Hill, C., & Knoch, D. (2015). Neuroanatomy of intergroup bias: A white matter microstructure study of individual differences. Neuroimage,122, 345-354. download (pdf, 1.0 MB)
Schiller, B.*, Baumgartner, T.*, Knoch, D. (2014). Intergroup bias in third-party punishment stems from both ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 169-175. (*shared first co-authership) download (pdf, 432KB)
Nash, K., Schiller, B., Gianotti, L.R.R., Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D. (2014). "Electrophysiological Indices of Response Inhibition in a Go/NoGo Task Predict Self-Control in a Social Context." Plos One. download (pdf, 624KB)
Baumgartner,T., Gianotti, L., Knoch, D. (2013). Who is honest and why: Baseline activation in anterior insula predicts inter-individual differences in deceptive behavior. Biological Psychology, 94, 192-197. download (pdf, 878KB)
Baumgartner,T., Schiller, B., Hill, C., Knoch, D. (2013). Impartiality in humans is predicted by brain structure of dorsomedial prefrontal Cortex. Neuroimage, 81, 317-324. download (pdf, 578KB)
Baumgartner, T., Schiller, B., Rieskamp, J., Gianotti, L., Knoch, D. (2013).Diminishing parochialism in intergroup conflict by disrupting the right temporo-parietal junction. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 653-660.  download (pdf, 251KB)
Baumgartner, T., Knoch, D., Hotz, P., Eisenegger C., Fehr E. (2011). Dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex orchestrate normative choice. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 1468-1474. download (pdf, 667KB)
Baumgartner, T., Götte, L., Gügler, R., Fehr, E. (2012). The mentalizing network orchestrates the impact of parochial altruism on social norm enforcement. Human Brain Mapping, 33, 1452-1469.  download (pdf, 2.1 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Fischbacher, U., Feierabend, A., Lutz, K., & Fehr, E. (2009). The Neural Circuitry of a Broken Promise. Neuron, 64, 756-770. download (pdf, 1.3 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Heinrichs, M., Vonlanthen, A., Fischbacher, U., & Fehr, E. (2008).Oxytocin shapes the neural circuitry of trust and trust adaptation in humans. Neuron, 58, 639-650. download (pdf, 648KB)
Knoch, D., Gianotti, L.R.R., Baumgartner, T., Fehr, E. (2010). A neural marker of costly punishment behavior. Psychological Science, 21, 337-342. download (pdf, 426KB)
Heinrichs, M., Baumgartner, T., Kirschbaum, C., & Ehlert, U. (2003). Social support and oxytocin interact to suppress cortisol and subjective responses to psychosocial stress. Biol.Psychiatry, 54, 1389-1398. download (pdf, 173KB)

Emotional Perception and Experience: The Aroused Brain

Baumgartner, T., Willi M. & Jäncke L. (2007). Modulation of corticospinal activity by strong emotions evoked by pictures and classical music: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Neuroreport, 18, 261-265. download (pdf, 140KB)
Baumgartner, T., Esslen, M. & Jäncke, L. (2006). From emotion perception to emotion experience: Emotions evoked by pictures and classical music.International Journal of Psychophysiology, 60, 34-43. download (pdf, 289KB)
Baumgartner, T., Lutz, K., Schmidt, C. & Jäncke, L. (2006). The emotional power of music: How music enhances the feeling of affective pictures. Brain Research, 1075, 151-164. download (pdf, 422KB)
Kaffenberger, Tina, Brühl, A.B., Baumgartner, T., Jäncke, L. & Herwig, U. (2010). Negative bias of processing ambiguously cued emotional stimuli. Neuroreport, 21, 601-605. download (pdf, 191KB)
Kaffenberger, T., Baumgartner, T., Koeneke, S., Jancke, L., & Herwig, U. (2008). Chronometric features of processing unpleasant stimuli: a functional MRI-based transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Neuroreport, 19, 777-781. download (pdf, 125KB)

Virtual Reality: The Regulating Role of the Prefrontal Cortex

Jäncke, L., Cheetham, M. & Baumgartner, T. (2009). Virtual reality and the role of the prefrontal cortex in adults and children. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 3, 52-59. download (pdf, 1.7 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Speck, D., Wettstein, D., Masnari, O., Beeli, G., & Jäncke, L. (2008). Feeling present in arousing virtual reality worlds: prefrontal brain regions differentially orchestrate presence experience in adults and children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2, 1-12. download (pdf, 2.6 MB)
Baumgartner, T., Valko, L., Esslen, M. & Jäncke, L. (2006). Neural correlate of  Spatial Presence in an arousing and non-interactive virtual reality world – an EEG and Psychophysiology study. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9, 30-45. download (pdf, 247KB)
Beeli, G., Casutt, G., Baumgartner, T., & Jancke, L. (2008). Modulating presence and impulsiveness by external stimulation of the brain. Behav Brain Funct, 4, 1-7. download (pdf, 636KB)
Dey, M., Gschwend, B., Baumgartner, T., Jäncke, P. & Jäncke L. (2006). Effekte von Musik auf das Fahrverhalten. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 52, 32-36. download (pdf, 623KB)
Wirth, W., Hartmann, T., Böcking, S., Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C., Schramm, H., Saari, T., Laarni, J., Ravaja, N., Ribeiro Gouveia, F., Baumgartner, T. et al. (2007). A process model of the formation of Spatial Presence experiences.Media Psychology, 9, 493-525. download (pdf, 276KB)

Emotional Anticipation: The Pessimistic Brain

Herwig, U., Brühl, A.B., Kaffenberger, T., Baumgartner, T., Boeker, H., & Jäncke, L. (2009). Neural correlates of ‚pessimistic’ attitude in depression. Psychological Medicine, 40, 789-800. download (pdf, 175KB)
Herwig, U., Baumgartner, T., Kaffenberger, T., Brühl, A., Kottlow, M., Schreiter-Gasser, U., Abler, B., Jancke, L., and Rufer, M. (2007). Modulation of anticipatory emotion and perception processing by cognitive control.Neuroimage, 37, 652-662. download (pdf, 1.1 MB)
Herwig, U., Kaffenberger, T., Baumgartner, T. & Jäncke L. (2007). Neural correlate of a „pessimistic“ attitude when anticipating events of unknown emotional valence. Neuroimage, 34, 848-858. download (pdf, 928KB)

I investigate the foundations of human emotional and social behavior using a multi-method and interdisciplinary approach combining theories, paradigms, and techniques from disciplines as varied as neuroscience (e.g., functional and structural MRI, TMS, combined TMS-fMRI, EEG), social psychology (e.g., questionnaires, social stress paradigms), psychobiology (e.g., hormonal and autonomic measures), and economics (e.g., game theoretic paradigms such as the ultimatum, trust and prisoner’s dilemma games).

More specifically, I am interested in the study of the neural and hormonal mechanisms underlying social and non-social decision making; emotional perception, experience and anticipation. My further research involves the study of emotion-regulation capacities, their role in (social) decision making, and their impact on emotional experience and anticipation.

since August 2014
Senior Scientific researcher at the Department of Social Neuroscience and Social Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland
2010 -2014
Senior Scientific researcher at the Institute for Psychology, Department of Social and Affective Neuroscience & Department of Economic Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland
Scientific researcher (Post-Doc) at the Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland
July, 2005
Dissertation Thesis: Neural Correlates of Higher Cognitive and Emotional Functions of the Human Brain (summa cum laude)
PhD Studies in Neuroscience at the University of Zurich, Department of Neuropsychology (Supervisor Prof. Dr. L. Jäncke)
July, 2002
Graduation: Master in Psychology, Psychopathology and Neurophysiology (summa cum laude)
Master Thesis: Social support and Oxytocin interact to suppress cortisol and subjective responses to psychosocial stress
Studies of Psychology, Psychopathology and Neurophysiology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Universität Bern


  • Methodenseminar: Einführung in die Analyse von fMRI-Daten

    • HS 2019
    • HS 2020
    • HS 2021
    • HS 2022
    • HS 2023
  • Der Einfluss von Emotionen auf soziale Entscheidungsprozesse und Verhalten 

    • HS 2014
    • FS 2016
  • Affektive Neurowissenschaften:

    • HS 2016
    • HS 2017
    • HS 2018 
    • FS 2020
    • FS 2021
    • FS 2022
  • Hands-on introduction to brain stimulation techniques

    • FS 2018


  • Methodenübung: Einführung in die Analyse von fMRI -Daten

    • HS 2020
    • HS 2021
    • HS 2022
    • HS 2023

Universität Zürich und Basel

  • Seminar in Affektiven and Sozialen Neurowissenschaften:

           FS 2004 bis HS 2012: 12 Seminare gehalten

  • Neuropsychologische Methoden (EEG, fMRI, PET, TMS):

           FS 2003 und HS 2004: 2 Seminare gehalten

  • Blockkurs in neuropsychologischen Methoden (EEG, fMRI, PET, TMS):

           HS 2004: 1 Seminar gehalten